Students from European Union member countries do not require a visa to study in Spain. Most of the common administrative tasks or transactions you may need will only require a valid passport or equivalent national identity document. However, if you are thinking about staying in Spain for longer than three months, you must apply for registration at the Central Register of Foreign Nationals. To have your application processed, you should go to the General Office for Foreign Nationals (Comisaría General de Extranjería) in Valladolid. You are also strongly advised to fill out an E111 form prior to leaving your country in order to be eligible for medical attention under the Spanish national health system.

All students from non-European Union member countries who intend to live in Spain for a period of over three months must apply for a student visa at the Spanish embassy or consulate which is closest to their country.

It is important to remember that any student entering Spain as a tourist is not then eligible for a student visa to prolong their stay.

Study visa

The study visa gives foreigners the right to remain in Spain on a “stay” for the purpose of courses, studies, research, or training. All foreign students from countries not covered by the Schengen agreement require a visa if they wish to remain in Spain.

Prior to entry into Spain, the student visa should be applied for at the Embassy or Consulate Office  in the country of origin or residence. It is valid for 90 days. Requirements may vary depending on the country of origin.

Study card or authorization for a study stay

Once in Spain, students not resident in the European Union must apply for authorization for a study stay (Estancia por Estudios) at the Office for Foreign Nationals (Comisaría General de Extranjería).

This procedure must be completed within 30 days of first entering Spain and always before the visa expires.  Students must not leave Spain unless they are in possession of this card.

Documents required to have the visa renewed and to obtain the study stay card (once in Spain):

a) Valid current passport or identity card and photocopies thereof

b) Three (passport type) photographs

c) Official accreditation of enrolment at the Centre (enrolment certificate)

d) Official accreditation of availability of sufficient funds to cover the stay: bank certificate or credit card

e) Official accreditation of full risk medical insurance cover

f) Certificate of attainment (marks/grades) for the course for which the student visa was granted

Useful links:

Rules governing a study stay. Ministry of the Interior. Government of Spain.

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